Kinship with Other Animals in Mi’kmaw Spirituality

Panel Title

Human Entanglements with More-Than-Human Worlds

Presenter Bio

Dr. Margaret Robinson (she/her) is a two-spirit Mi’kmaw scholar and a citizen of Lennox Island First Nation. She holds Indian status under article 6.2 of the Canadian Indian Act. Margaret regularly publishes on sexual and gender identity, mental health, substance use, food sovereignty, and Indigenous cultural continuity. Her community-driven program of research examines benefits of cultural identity, language, and the arts to promote wellbeing for oppressed people. She works as an Associate Professor at Dalhousie University, where she holds the Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Reconciliation, Gender, and Identity.

Presenter Photo


Apr 8th, 11:00 AM Apr 8th, 11:20 AM

Kinship with Other Animals in Mi’kmaw Spirituality