Unforeseen Lines of Force: Queer Kinship, Climate Ethics

Panel Title

Human Entanglements with More-Than-Human Worlds

Presenter Bio

Michelle Marzullo, Ph.D. is a practicing anthropologist specializing in critical sexualities studies. She is Chair and Professor in the Human Sexuality Department at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), leading only the second fully accredited sexuality doctoral program in the U.S. Her latest works are Critical Sexuality Studies, Lavender Languages, and Everyday Life. Bloomsbury (Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2024) and Critical Sexual Literacy: Forecasting Trends in Sexual Politics, Diversity and Pedagogy (Anthem, 2021). She leverages her position to be a convener of academics and advocates who foster critical sexualities studies, which center issues of power related to sexualities, sex, and gender. Dr. Marzullo has worked on a wide range of research and consultancy engagements across topic such as LGBTQ access to higher education; artificial intelligence and reproductive health; workplace diversity and inclusion; sexuality, marriage, and economics in the U.S.; and LGBTQ youth issues. Check out more at www.ciis.edu/hsx.

Presenter Photo


Apr 8th, 10:40 AM Apr 8th, 11:00 AM

Unforeseen Lines of Force: Queer Kinship, Climate Ethics