Queer Fire and Flood: Collective ritual in more-than-human worlds

Panel Title

Human Entanglements with More-Than-Human Worlds

Presenter Name

Cleo Woelfle-HazardFollow

Presenter Bio

Cleo Woelfle-Hazard serves as a Fire Advisor for UC Cooperative Extension. As a scholar of institutions and political processes, he uses feminist and critical approaches to make environmental research and policy to be more responsive to the needs of place based communities. This work crucially involves valuing and centering Indigenous and local knowledge of fire, water, species, and social relations. His book Underflows: Queer Trans Ecologies and River Justice argues that rivers’ future vitality requires centering the values of justice, sovereignty, and dynamism. Incorporating work with salmon, beaver, and floodplain recovery projects, I weave narratives about innovative field research practices with an affectively oriented queer and trans focus on love and grief for rivers and fish.

Presenter Photo


Apr 8th, 11:20 AM Apr 8th, 11:40 AM

Queer Fire and Flood: Collective ritual in more-than-human worlds