
About This Journal

The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies (IJTS) is a semi-annual peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the cultivation and publication of careful scholarship in whole person approaches to psychology, particularly second wave transpersonal psychology: A transformative psychology of the whole person embedded within a diverse, interconnected. and evolving world that pays particular attention to states of consciousness and developmental stages reflecting expansion beyond conventional notions of self. The journal also retains a focus on topics such as transpersonal approaches to the study of sociology, anthropology, medicine, psychiatry, psychotherapy, education, leadership, feminist thought, culturally-situated psychologies, world religions, and spirituality, among others.

As the largest and most accessible journal in the transpersonal field, and the only transpersonal journal listed by Scopus, the International Journal of Transpersonal Studies (IJTS) is a highly influential publication within its subfield of psychology. IJTS is read in over 180 countries and 30 dependencies or territories, papers are published with doi numbers, the impact factor for the journal is 0.13 for 2022, and the h-index is 12. The journal has been in print since 1981, and its readership is reflected in more than 150,000 article downloads per year by more than 50,000 total users (advance publication + published issues). In addition to Scopus, IJTS is abstracted and indexed in PsychINFO, ATLA Religion Database, EBSCO databases, and the MLA International Bibliography. In the category of Religious Studies, IJTS ranks as a 2nd Quartile journal in SJR rankings. IJTS is published by Floraglades Foundation and supported in part by Attention Strategies.

Print copies of journal issues may be purchased by going to Lulu Press (www.lulu.com) and searching for IJTS.

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Upcoming Special Topics:

(Dates are estimates only and may change)

Integral and Transpersonal Psychotherapy — 2024 Rene Dumetz rdumetz@ciis.edu

Buddhism & Psychology — 2023 Debashish Banerji dbanerji@ciis.edu

Transpersonal Philosophy — 2024 Michael Da michael@michaelda.com

Integral and Transpersonal Education — 2024 Heidi Fraser-Hagemann hfraser@ciis.edu

Transpersonal Psychotherapy — 2024 Jacqueline Hermida tipihealinghouse@gmail.com

Transpersonal Approaches to Addiction — 2024 Nick Boeving nboeving@hotmail.com

Spirituality and Health in BIPOC Communities — 2025 Cassondra Jackson cjacksonphd2022@gmail.com>


The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies (IJTS) was founded in 1981 by Don Diespecker, an Australian transpersonal psychologist and psychology professor. The journal first appeared as the Australian Journal of Transpersonal Psychology and retained this name through 1992. In 1993, the journal began publication under its current name, and was moved to the University of Hawaii, where it was housed until 1998 under the editorship of Philippe Gross and Sam Shapiro. IJTS was then acquired by Saybrook Graduate School (now Saybrook University), where it was published from 1998 until 2006 under the editorship of Harris Friedman and Doug MacDonald.

By 2006, Saybrook University made the decision to close down the journal, which was at that point only mailed out in hard copy to fewer than 100 subscribers. The journal was given reprieve from demise by Harris Friedman, who obtained ownership through Floraglades Foundation and assumed the role of Senior Editor in 2009. Glenn Hartelius assumed an editorial role with IJTS in 2007 and has taken primary responsibility for bringing the journal back from near zero to its current circulation numbers of about 100,000 downloads per year by over 50,000 total users in more than 210 nations, dependencies or terrritories. The journal is indexed in PsychINFO, Scopus, ATLA Religion Database, EBSCO databases, and the MLA International Bibliography.

In 2010 IJTS was selected as the official publication of the International Transpersonal Association (ITA). The journal was sponsored by the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) from 2015 to 2021. In 2016 the journal moved to the current website on the Digital Commons institutional repository of CIIS, which permits enhanced capabilities. Marie Isabelle Thouin-Savard and Courtenay Richards Crouch joined as editors in 2018. The journal is currently published by Floraglades Foundation and sponsored in part by Attention Strategies Institute.

Editors: Don Diespecker, 1981–1984 (New South Wales, Australia) Gerard Allen, 1985–1989 (Australia) Don Diespecker, 1990–1991 (New South Wales, Australia) Don Chipley & Erin Neill, 1992-1993 (Queensland, Australia) Erin Neill, 1994–1997 (Queensland, Australia) Philippe Gross & Sam Shapiro, 1998–2002 (Hawaii, USA) Harris Friedman & Douglas A. MacDonald, 2003–2006 (California, USA) Harris Friedman & Glenn Hartelius, 2007–2009 (Florida, USA) Glenn Hartelius, 2010–Current (California, USA) Marie Isabelle Thouin-Savard 2018–Current (California, USA) Courtenay Richards Crouch 2018–Current (California, USA)

See the Aims and Scope for more complete coverage of the journal.