Submissions from 2025
Childhood Trauma and the Emergence of Precognitive Abilities: A Correlational Study, Kirsten Cameron and Jenny Wade
An Integral Transpersonal Approach to the Self: Practical Maps and Models, Pier Luigi Lattuada
Submissions from 2024
Clients in the Driver’s Seat, not Asleep at the Wheel: A Qualitative Study of the Client Role in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Phyllis Alongi and Jenny Wade
Teaching in the Transpersonal Paradigm, Christopher M. Bache
Peak Teaching: Exploring and Fostering Sacred Experiences in University Classrooms, Charles Burack
Teaching for Transpersonal Learning, Paul Cunningham
Psychological Energy: Early Theorists in the Analytical Tradition, Michael Da
Metaphysical Foundationalist versus Existentialist Ontologies: Applications for Research on Psychological Energy, Michael Da and Glenn Hartelius
Colic as Trauma Release? A Comparative Exploration of Play Therapy in Children With and Without a History of Colic, Nilüfer Devecigil and Jenny Wade
Empathy, Ethics, and Empowerment: Supervising the Transpersonal Therapist, John Elfers and Patty Hlava
What is Transpersonal Psychotherapy? A Conceptual Template, Gabriel Fernandez Borsot
An Open Mystery: Reflections on the Metaphysical Status of the Participatory Approach, Jorge N. Ferrer
Introduction to the Special Topic Issue on Integral and Transpersonal Education, Heidi Fraser Hageman
Wildfire and Asylum: A Terrapsychological Approach to Backyard Pilgrimage, jacob Kaminker
Judaism and the Transpersonal, B. Les Lancaster
The Role of Personality In Moving Encounters with Sacred Art, Jacob Lang, Despina Stamatopoulou, and Gerald C. Cupchik
Dreams, Synchrony, and Synchronicity, Terry Marks-Tarlow
Measuring Paranormal Beliefs: Reconceptualization and Empirical Validation of the Paranormal Belief Construct, Hugo Matas, Enric Munar, Lluis Ballester, and Maria José Hernández-Lloreda
How Widely Are Near-Death Experiences Recognized in Indian Society and Health Care? A Preliminary Survey, Jimmy Mathew, Sreelakshmi Rajeev, Jerry Paul, and Subramnia Iyer
Smokable "Vine of the Dead": Two Case Studies of Experiencers of Both Changa and Near-Death Experiences, Pascal Michael, David Luke, and Oliver Robinson
Process-Oriented: A Creative Approach to Transformative Learning, Dorit Netzer
Waldorf Education: New Perspectives on a Holistic Approach, Martyn Rawson
The Healing Power of Active Imagination on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Wellbeing: A Mixed-method Exploratory Study, Joshua Rutt and Jenny Wade
Assessing Bodily Location of the Egocenter: Testing Content Validity of the Dispositional Self-Location Questionnaire, Marie Sester
Integrating Clinical Intuition for a Whole Person Approach to Empowerment, Jennifer Sousa
On the Way to the Altar: An Illustration of Transpersonal Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Willow Pearson Trimbach
Millennium School: An Experiment in Transpersonal Education for Early Adolescents, Jenny Wade
Submissions from 2023
Book Review: The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture, by Gabor Maté and Daniel Maté, Nicholas Grant Boeving
Buddhism and Transpersonal Psychology, Elías Capriles
Deep Ecology, Nature Spirits, and the Filipino Transpersonal Worldview, Carl Lorenz Cervantes
Decoding Babel: “Ungrieved Futility” and the Unrecognized Order of the Depression Research Field, Marty Lynn Cooper
Requisite Wisdom: Transpersonal Psychology in the Treatment of Clinical Depression, Marty Lynn Cooper
Mindfulness Traps and the Entanglement of Self: An Inquiry into the Regime of Mind, Richard Dixey and Ronald E. Purser
Zen and the Art of Doughnut Economics: When Limits are Strangely Liberating, Peter Doran
Two Dimensions of a Bodhisattva, Douglas Duckworth
Good, Bad, or Not-Even-Wrong Science and Mathematics in Transpersonal Psychology: Comment on Rock et al.'s "Is Biological Death Final?", Harris L. Friedman
Transpersonal Approaches to Clinical Supervision, Harris L. Friedman
Potential Benefits of MDMA-Assisted Conflict Transformation Informed Couple Therapy: Transpersonal Roots and Future Promise, Antonia George and William Sol
Wild Otherness Within: A Jungian and Zen Approach to the Untamed Self in the Ten Oxherding Pictures, Sara Granovetter
The Varieties of Afterlife Experience: Epistemological and Cultural Implications, Everton de Oliveira Maraldi
Psychology or Religion? Bridge-Building in the Translation History of The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Erin Prophet
Is Biological Death Final? Recomputing the Drake-S Equation for Postmortem Survival of Consciousness, Adam J. Rock, James Houran, Patrizio E. Tressoldi, and Brian Laythe
Effects of Mindfulness and Holotropic Breathwork on the Rehabilitation of Adolescents Who Use Psychoactive Substances: A Pilot Study, Frank Sanchez-Quijano, Diana Ximena Puerta-Cortés, and Julio Eduardo Mazorco Salas
Authentic Mindfulness Within Mindfulness-Based Interventions: A Qualitative Study of Participants' Experiences, Supakyada Sapthiang, Edo Shonin, Paul Barrows, and William Van Gordon
Cognitive Illusion, Lucid Dreaming, and the Psychology of Metaphor in Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen Contemplative Practices, Michael R. Sheehy
Submissions from 2022
The Role of Spiritual Intelligence and Differentiation in Predicting Marital Adjustment of Married Iranian Students, Sedigheh Ahmadi, Richard H. Morley, Faezeh Ghalebi, Hossein Ilanloo, and Christine D. Nguyen
Eliciting Awe in the Spectator: The Case of a Dhrupad-Based Dance Performance, Santarpia Alfonso, Andrée Martin, Armando Menicacci, Pierre De Olivieira, Daniel Lemieux, Laurence Éthier, Caroline Charbonneau, Bruno Pucella, Christophe Flambard, Les Frères Gundecha, Louis-Charles Lusignan, Alice Bourgasser, Élizabeth-Anne Dorléans, Ariane Dubé-Lavigne, and Angélique Poulin
How Perception Meets Hermeneutics: An Empirical Investigation of Tasseography, Elizabeth Avetisian
There's a Duwende on my Shelf: The Parapsychological Studies of Fr. Jaime C. Bulatao, SJ, Carl Lorenz Cervantes
Brain Activity During Paired and Individual Mindfulness Meditation: A Controlled EEG Study, Hessel Engelbregt, Hugo F. Alderse Baas, Sietske de Grauw, and Jan Berend Deijen
The Perceived Impact of Holotropic Breathwork: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis, Felipe Landaeta Farizo
Parapsychology and Transpersonal Psychology in Dialogue: Could These Two Movements Be Brought into Better Alignment?, Harris L. Friedman
Tripping in the Moment: The Spiritual Journey of Baba Ram Dass, Charles S. Hamilton
Locating the Embodied Sense of Self and Examining its Relationship with Psychological Well-Being, Adam Hanley, Natalie Lecy, and Robert Hanley
Quantum Tunneling and Exceptional Human Capacities: Illustrating Different Skepticisms in Physics and Psychology, Glenn Hartelius
What is Transpersonal Psychology? A Concise Definition Based on 20 Years of Research, Glenn Hartelius
Relational Inquiry: Seven-Years Practicing Seven Relationships, Gregg Lahood
The Mushroom, the Frog, and the Rainbow of Desire: A Participatory-Psychedelic Spiritual Emergence, Gregg Lahood
The Mystical Exodus in Jungian Perspective: Transforming Trauma and the Wellsprings of Renewal, B. Les Lancaster
Exceptional Human Experiences Among Pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago: A Study of Self-Reported Experiences and Transformative Aftereffects, Miran Lavric, Snezana Brumec, and Andrej Naterer
Effects of Brief Daily Kundalini Yoga Meditation on Self-Esteem, Mood and Emotional Self-Efficacy: A Randomized Comparison Study, Sonia Romero Martinez
Emotion and Judgment in Young Women of a Society in Transition, Maura A. E. Pilotti and Khadija El Alaoui
Using LEGOs® in Research Facilitation: An Advanced Scripted Research Method, Samuel W. Root
Unexpected Side Effects: A Cautionary Note on Challenges of Persistent Self-Transcendence, Elizabeth D. Stephens and Harris L. Friedman
The Luminous Night of the Soul: The Relationship between Lucid Dreaming and Spirituality, Tadas Stumbrys
Going Berserk, Running Amok, and the Extraordinary Capabilities and Invulnerability of Battle Trance, Jenny Wade
The Varieties of Spiritual States Triggered by Sex: A Systematic Review of the Empirical Literature, Jenny Wade
Transformative, Noetic, and Transpersonal Experiences During Personal Development Workshops, Helané Wahbeh, Cassandra Vieten, Garret Young, Agnes Cartry-Jacobsen, Dean Radin, and Arnaud Delorme
Meditation-Induced After Death Communication: A Contemporary Modality for Grief Therapy, Neda Wassie
Submissions from 2021
Positive Psychological Transformation: A Mixed Methods Investigation Into Catalysts and Processes of Meaningful Change, Nick Fortino, Paul Dommert Jr., Nadia Santiago, and Jen Smith
Submissions from 2020
Perennialism Through the Lens of Otherness, Gabriel Fernandez-Borsot
Spiritual Emergence(y), Psychosis, and Personality: Investigating the Role of Schizotypy, Kylie P. Harris, Adam J. Rock, and Gavin I. Clark
Is Diversity Possible in an Integrative Psychology? Transpersonal as a Whole Person / All Person Approach, Glenn Hartelius
Intimations of a Spiritual New Age: IV. Carl Jung's Archetypal Imagination as Futural Planetary Neo-Shamanism, Harry T. Hunt
Book Review: The Way of Psychosynthesis, by Petra Guggisberg Nocelli, Catherine Ann Lombard
An Embodied Spiritual Inquiry into the Nature of Human Boundaries: Outcomes of a Participatory Approach to Transpersonal Education and Research, Olga R. Sohmer, Ross C. Baumann, and Jorge N. Ferrer
Diverse Mindfulness Practices for Bipolar Recovery: Qualitative Study Results, Sasha Strong
Submissions from 2019
Sexuality, Esoteric Energies, and the Subtleties of Transmutation Versus Transformation, Barnaby B. Barratt
Meaning-Making Among Intentionally Childless Women, Christine Brooks
Somatics Research Bibliography: A Working Tool for Somatics and Somatic Psychology, Eleanor Criswell Hanna
Sexual Ecstasy Scale: Conceptualizations and Measurement, John Elfers and Reid Offringa
From Romantic Jealousy to Sympathetic Joy: Monogamy, Polyamory, and Beyond, Jorge N. Ferrer
Divine Kink: A Consideration of the Evidence for BDSM as Spiritual Ritual, Sam E. Greenberg
Promoting Spiritual Wellness on a College Campus through Community Based Participatory Research, Regina Idoate, Melissa Tibbits, Mark Gilbert, Michele Marie Desmarais, Christopher Fisher, Alicia Bower, Daniel J. Shipp, and Joe Kaminski
The Religious and Philosophical Characteristics in a Consensually Nonmonogamous Sample, Akhila E. A. Kolesar and Seth T. Pardo
Relational Inquiry: Seven-Years Practicing Seven Relationships, Gregg Lahood
Sexual Consent as Transcendence: A Phenomenological Understanding, Mark A. Levand and Nicolle Zapien
Assessing the Effectiveness of Core-Shamanism on a Group of Westerners: A Brief Research Report, Joanic Masson
The Path to Enlightenment of Sacred Married Home Life: Grihasthya Dharma as a Guiding Ideal for the Transpersonal Marriage Therapist, Stuart Sovatsky
Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy for Existential Suffering: Facilitating Self-Transcendence at the End-of-Life, Kevin O. St. Arnaud
Amigeist: A New Extreme Love Phenomenon, Jeffrey Sundberg
Erotic Mindfulness: A Core Educational and Therapeutic Strategy in Somatic Sexology Practices, Marie I. Thouin-Savard