The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies (IJTS) is a semi-annual peer-reviewed academic journal encouraging empirical research on topics in transpersonal, integral, humanistic, positive, and other whole person approaches to psychology and related fields. As the largest and most accessible journal in the transpersonal field, and the only transpersonal journal listed by Scopus, IJTS is a highly influential publication within its sub-field of psychology. IJTS is read in over 180 countries and 30 dependencies or territories, and its readership is reflected in about 150,000 total article downloads per year by more than 50,000 total users.
Current Issue: Volume 42, Issue 2 (2023)
Nondual States Are Not a Thing: This Inspiring New Age Spiritual Idea is Neither Advaita Vedanta Nor Psychology
Glenn Hartelius
Special Topic Introduction
Buddhism and Psychology
Western Buddhism and Transpersonal Psychology: Cross-Hermeneutic and Engaged Approaches
Debashish Banerji
Special Topic Articles
Buddhism and Transpersonal Psychology
Elías Capriles
Psychology or Religion? Bridge-Building in the Translation History of The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Erin Prophet
Cognitive Illusion, Lucid Dreaming, and the Psychology of Metaphor in Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen Contemplative Practices
Michael R. Sheehy
Mindfulness Traps and the Entanglement of Self: An Inquiry into the Regime of Mind
Richard Dixey and Ronald E. Purser
Two Dimensions of a Bodhisattva
Douglas Duckworth
Authentic Mindfulness Within Mindfulness-Based Interventions: A Qualitative Study of Participants' Experiences
Supakyada Sapthiang, Edo Shonin, Paul Barrows, and William Van Gordon
Wild Otherness Within: A Jungian and Zen Approach to the Untamed Self in the Ten Oxherding Pictures
Sara Granovetter
Book Review
Book Review: The Way of Psychosynthesis, by Petra Guggisberg Nocelli
Catherine Ann Lombard