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Human biological responses to fear and trauma can hinder our access to inherent self-healing abilities. In contrast, trauma states can also deliver us towards emotional and spiritual growth when we can correctly understand our direct somatic experience. This somatic intelligence is deeply rooted in the practice of embodied meditation and safe relationship to self and others. This talk focuses on three key aspects of trauma growth: how we view trauma and the journey of trauma healing, how to implement somatic awareness techniques that are safe and relational, and how to establish embodied meditation practices that emphasize resources and connection.


Presenter: Manuela Mischke-Reeds, MA, MFT is a licensed Somatic Psychotherapist, International teacher of Psychology and Dharma Teacher. She trains health professionals in California, Australia, New Zealand, Israel and Europe and China. She co-directs and teaches at the Hakomi Institute of California that hosts her Trauma training: “From Trauma to Dharma”. In addition she has trained in various methods of working with trauma counseled survivors of political oppression, torture and trauma for the past 25 years. Her recent book: 8 Keys to Practicing Mindfulness. Practical strategies for Emotional Health and Wellbeing, has been published by by W.W. Norton. (2015) and
