A Corpus Linguistic Study of the Coming Out Process through analysis of the Identity & Development Models

Presenter Name

Daniel Cisneros

Presenter Title/Affiliation

Oregon State University

Start Date

22-5-2021 9:00 AM

Event Name


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Zoom Meeting ID

989 2556 2609


The presentation focuses on a doctoral dissertation study of the LGBTQ coming out process. The study examines the identity and development coming out models through a corpus linguistic lens and answers key research questions. The aim of the study is to identify the keyness and collocations of the two models. The main research questions include the following: In reference to the Cass identity model of identity formation and the D’Augelli lifestyle development model, what are the keywords of the coming out process in the minority development model? What are the most common collocations of the term “coming out” in the Cass identity and D’Augelli lifestyle models? Finally, what are the most common collocations of the term “coming out” in both the Cass identity and D’Augellli lifestyle development models? The methodological approach of this study is “corpus linguistics” utilizing software called Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count. The corpus linguistic study consists of identifying keyness and collocations of the two major identity models. At the time of the presentation, I will have the first of two manuscripts done except for the results and discussion sections. At Oregon State University, we do a manuscript-style dissertation, which consists of two interrelated manuscripts that would be immediately ready to submit to professional journals upon graduation.

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May 22nd, 9:00 AM May 22nd, 9:15 AM

A Corpus Linguistic Study of the Coming Out Process through analysis of the Identity & Development Models

The presentation focuses on a doctoral dissertation study of the LGBTQ coming out process. The study examines the identity and development coming out models through a corpus linguistic lens and answers key research questions. The aim of the study is to identify the keyness and collocations of the two models. The main research questions include the following: In reference to the Cass identity model of identity formation and the D’Augelli lifestyle development model, what are the keywords of the coming out process in the minority development model? What are the most common collocations of the term “coming out” in the Cass identity and D’Augelli lifestyle models? Finally, what are the most common collocations of the term “coming out” in both the Cass identity and D’Augellli lifestyle development models? The methodological approach of this study is “corpus linguistics” utilizing software called Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count. The corpus linguistic study consists of identifying keyness and collocations of the two major identity models. At the time of the presentation, I will have the first of two manuscripts done except for the results and discussion sections. At Oregon State University, we do a manuscript-style dissertation, which consists of two interrelated manuscripts that would be immediately ready to submit to professional journals upon graduation.
