Direct and Indirect Non-binary Language in English to Spanish Translation

Presenter Name

Ártemis López

Presenter Title/Affiliation

Universidade de Vigo

Start Date

21-5-2021 2:00 PM

Event Name

Panel discussion

Panel Number


Panel Chair Name

Kris Knisely

Zoom URL to Join

Zoom Meeting ID

914 3273 1066


As non-binary and trans people and communities become more visible in the media, we begin to see more examples of translations of those identities. However, translating gender can bring its own set of problems, particularly when the target language is very clearly binary. In the clash between human gender and grammatical gender, and between norm and transgression, the translator often must take some risks. When translating a non-binary character, the choice is not simply to misgender or to translate correctly as there are two alternatives to misgendering: visibilizing the person’s gender or hiding it entirely.

The speaker will give an overview of several Netflix original series and the ways in which the trans or non-binary characters were translated from English into Spanish. They will look at four different Spanish translations for each series (subtitles and dubbing, both for Latin America and for Spain) to determine what queer meaning was lost or maintained in each translation and what translation techniques could be used to deliver a product that is simultaneously attractive to Netflix’s subscribers and faithful to the original, queer message.

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May 21st, 2:00 PM May 21st, 2:30 PM

Direct and Indirect Non-binary Language in English to Spanish Translation

As non-binary and trans people and communities become more visible in the media, we begin to see more examples of translations of those identities. However, translating gender can bring its own set of problems, particularly when the target language is very clearly binary. In the clash between human gender and grammatical gender, and between norm and transgression, the translator often must take some risks. When translating a non-binary character, the choice is not simply to misgender or to translate correctly as there are two alternatives to misgendering: visibilizing the person’s gender or hiding it entirely.

The speaker will give an overview of several Netflix original series and the ways in which the trans or non-binary characters were translated from English into Spanish. They will look at four different Spanish translations for each series (subtitles and dubbing, both for Latin America and for Spain) to determine what queer meaning was lost or maintained in each translation and what translation techniques could be used to deliver a product that is simultaneously attractive to Netflix’s subscribers and faithful to the original, queer message.