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Max SovineFollow

Presenter Bio

Max Sovine (they/them) graduated in May 2022 with an M.A in Ecology, Spirituality, and Religion. During their time at CIIS, they focused on forming a program that would take hospice clients out for a few hours of ritualized time in nature. They are passionately determined to help Western culture change its attitudes towards death and nature from aversion to acceptance. They are a trained death doula and former hospice volunteer, EMT, and firefighter.

They are currently working full-time as a retreat coordinator at Spirit Rock Meditation Center as well as a part-time admin at Queer LifeSpace, a small mental health non-profit that offers affordable services to people in the Bay Area queer community. Under the Queer LifeSpace umbrella, they have founded their very own queer youth day hike program called Outlandish!

They are also halfway through a two-year Interfaith Seminary program at One Spirit Learning Alliance where they hope to better serve their community through the lenses of multi-religious and multi-spiritual traditions.

Max spends their free time playing bass and piano. They love hiking, rocking out at concerts, spending time with their partner, and developing their animist practice.

Presentation Description

Safe spaces for Queer teens are more crucial than ever. Why does it matter and how can we make it a reality? How can the outdoor world become a safe haven for young people as they navigate being their authentic selves in a frequently hostile culture? Join Max for an exploration and discussion of the healing power of time spent outside as they share about their program, Outlandish!, founded in May 2023.


Apr 10th, 1:00 PM Apr 10th, 2:30 PM

Outlandish! How LGBTQIA+ Teens are Claiming Their Space in the Outdoors

Safe spaces for Queer teens are more crucial than ever. Why does it matter and how can we make it a reality? How can the outdoor world become a safe haven for young people as they navigate being their authentic selves in a frequently hostile culture? Join Max for an exploration and discussion of the healing power of time spent outside as they share about their program, Outlandish!, founded in May 2023.