2017 Religion and Ecology Summit
Equity, Justice, and Climate Change & Listening to Land: Nonhuman Voices in the Ecozoic Era.

The Ecology, Spirituality, and Religion graduate program hosted a one-day conference which invited leaders of environmental organizations into dialogue with practitioners, faculty, and students of religious studies, philosophy, and theology. Together, these scholar-practitioners explored the transformational possibilities of incorporating ecological concerns into religious education, and the integration of spiritual perspectives into environmental protection and activism. The conference became a catalyst for scholarly growth for those involved in the field of Religion and Ecology, and professional development for those students and professionals in the Bay Area.

Events of the day included opening and closing keynotes by mathematical cosmologist (and ESR faculty member) Brian Thomas Swimme, and Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale co-founder Mary Evelyn Tucker, as well as sessions devoted to Equity, Justice, and Climate Change and to Listening to the Land: Nonhuman Voices in the Ecozoic Era.

Video Playlist of Speakers

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