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What happens when we stop trying to change, fix or even heal ourselves, and radically embrace ourselves exactly as we are today - flaws, fears, doubts and all? In this heartfelt talk, Jeff Foster shared the secrets of his own journey from suicidal depression and self-hatred to spiritual awakening. He helped us re-frame our path of healing, explaining why enlightenment is a present reality, not a future destination, and our fears, our pains, even our sorrows, are precious parts of us longing to be loved and embraced, not deleted. He guided the audience in his own down-to-earth, compassionate and humorous way back to the home we never left - the present moment, the source of all creativity, healing, and lasting peace.


Presenter: Jeff Foster studied Astrophysics at Cambridge University. In his mid-twenties, after a long period of depression and illness, he became addicted to the idea of 'spiritual enlightenment' and embarked on an intensive spiritual quest for the ultimate truth of existence. The spiritual search came crashing down with the clear recognition of the non-dual nature of everything, and the discovery of the extraordinary in the ordinary. In the clarity of this seeing, life became what it always was: intimate, open, loving and spontaneous, and Jeff was left with a deep understanding of the root illusion behind all human suffering, and a love of the present moment.

Jeff has published five books in over six languages. His latest book Falling in Love With Where You Are is now available from Non-Duality Press.
