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In this presentation we will focus on the essence of the practice of psychotherapy grounded in a nondual perspective. Topics will include: the scope of practice for a psychology of liberation; the core values that inform and guide us; individual and systemic sources of trauma; and the kind of holding environment that fosters liberation - not only for our clients, but for the psychotherapy profession itself. We will explore the therapeutic process from psyche to society and back to psyche, reflecting on the unique challenge of our time: awakening into a traumatized world that has, in many respects, grown increasingly delusional.


Presenter: Alan Strachan, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist, author and teacher ( Alan weaves his personal integration of nonduality with an ongoing interest in psychotherapy as spiritual practice, and an exploration of the intersection between psychology, spirituality and politics ( He is co-author of the forthcoming book, The Psychology of Liberation and the Liberation of Psychology: Reflections on the Scope and Practice of Psychotherapy.
