Digital Commons @ CIIS - 2017 Founders Symposium on Integral Consciousness: "Retembló la tierra": CIIS and Zapatista Community

2017 Schedule

"Retembló la tierra": CIIS and Zapatista Community


Room 311

Start Date

21-4-2017 5:30 PM

End Date

21-4-2017 7:00 PM


On December 29th through January 5th, the panelists participated in the CIIS sponsored study-trip to Mexico - "Another World is Possible: Building Autonomy in Chiapas". The trip, led by BAC core faculty, Charlotte Sáenz, allowed them to explore historical and contemporary Zapatismo in the contexts of globalization and legacies of Mayan resistance. During the trip, the group visited various organizations dedicated to autonomous learning, healing, and creativity, including the Indigenous Center of Integral Learning (CIDECI -Universidad de la Tierra). At CIDECI they witnessed an historic gathering of global scientists invited by the Zapatistas to share their diverse knowledges at conCiencias por la humanidad, which translates to “with sciences for humanity” as well as “conscience.”


Leticia Contreras is a master's student in the Anthropology and Social Change program at CIIS. She holds her undergraduate degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz in Anthropology. Her anthropological interests lie in archaeology, the making of history, political scholarship, and migrant community building and resistance.

Lilly Falconer is an intersectional feminist scholar, philosopher, and archetypal astrologer who holds a B.A. in Integral Studies and an M.A. in Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness from CIIS. Her main focus of study includes explorations of power and receptivity with the integration of feminist and other ways of knowing in relation to the Western philosophical and patriarchal paradigm, which she is now grounding in the language of Archetypal Cosmology as she pursues a Ph.D. in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness.

Majal Logan, MBA is a first-year doctoral student in the Anthropology and Social Change program at CIIS. Her research explores how Hip-hop poses as an art of resistance against neoliberal globalization within African Diasporic and Indigenous communities. She is a multiracial artivist scholar and affiliate of the San Francisco International Hip Hop DanceFest.

John Carson is a third-year student in the Clinical Psychology, Psy.D. program at CIIS. He holds a B.A. in the Study of Religion, and an M.Ed. in Counseling Psychology. He is currently working on clinical hours as a pre-doctoral therapist, and maintains academic interest in the application of psychoanalytic theory to social and cultural issues.

Event Type


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Apr 21st, 5:30 PM Apr 21st, 7:00 PM

"Retembló la tierra": CIIS and Zapatista Community

Room 311

On December 29th through January 5th, the panelists participated in the CIIS sponsored study-trip to Mexico - "Another World is Possible: Building Autonomy in Chiapas". The trip, led by BAC core faculty, Charlotte Sáenz, allowed them to explore historical and contemporary Zapatismo in the contexts of globalization and legacies of Mayan resistance. During the trip, the group visited various organizations dedicated to autonomous learning, healing, and creativity, including the Indigenous Center of Integral Learning (CIDECI -Universidad de la Tierra). At CIDECI they witnessed an historic gathering of global scientists invited by the Zapatistas to share their diverse knowledges at conCiencias por la humanidad, which translates to “with sciences for humanity” as well as “conscience.”