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Where are we heading spiritually speaking? Will humanity ultimately converge in accepting one single religious credo? Or will it rather continue to diversify in countless forms of spiritual expression? Or is there a middle road that can reconcile the human longing for spiritual unity and the need for spiritual individuation and differentiation? In this presentation, I consider four scenarios for the future of world religion—global religion, mutual transformation, interspiritual wisdom, and spirituality without religion—and share my personal dream about it, proposing that such a future may be shaped by spiritually individuated persons engaged in processes of cosmological hybridization in the context of a common spiritual family.


Jorge N. Ferrer, Ph.D. is chair of the department of East-West Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco. He is the author of Revisioning Transpersonal Theory: A Participatory Vision of Human Spirituality (SUNY Press, 2002) and coeditor of The Participatory Turn: Spirituality, Mysticism, Religious Studies (SUNY Press, 2008). In 2009, he became an advisor to the organization Religions for Peace at the United Nations on a research project aimed at solving interreligious conflict in the world.
