Embrace of the Earth 2016 | Conferences and Symposia | California Institute of Integral Studies
Embrace of the Earth 2016

Embrace of the Earth 2016

Embrace of the Earth: Mind, Consciousness, and Humankind’s Connection with Nature-- In this time of global environmental crisis, we are invited to deeply inquire into ourselves. We are called to understand our connections with all life as well the hidden aspects of our own minds that determine our perceptions, thoughts, and behavior. Research into consciousness from both scientific and humanities perspectives provides clues for moving toward reconnecting ourselves within the natural world. We seek to explore connections between consciousness studies, depth psychology, and ecology. This conference brought together speakers on topics ranging from the roots of human experience in our conscious and unconscious minds, to the exploration of animal minds, the psychology of climate change, and the Earth Wisdom of diverse cultures, as well as dance and music


Submissions from 2016


Cultivating Resilience for Addressing Ecological Change, Elizabeth Allison


Existential Crisis and Psycho-Social Transformation, Asoka Bandarage


Recovering the Earth Mind, John Briggs


Beyond Help? Psychoanalytic Thought and the Environmental Crisis, Robin Brown


Hidden in Plain Sight: How Storytelling and the Arts Leave a Trail of Clues to the Deeper Nature of Consciousness, Nick Day


Radical Embodiment for Navigating Deep States of Consciousness, Glenn Hartelius


Planetary Consciousness and Humanity's Destiny, Menas C. Kafatos


Gaia and a Second Axial Age, Sean Kelly


The Psychological Depths of Climate Change, Jeffrey Kiehl


Dreaming in Sacred Sites: A Content Analysis of Dream Reports, Stanley Krippner


Thus Spoke the Sages: Ayurveda on Environment and Dharma, Acharya Shunya


Ile' Mo Ku O: Earth I Greet You: Black Gods of Nature Saving Black Lives, J. Phoenix Smith


Creativity and Destruction, Brian Swimme


Restoring the Earth to the Center of Our Universe, Richard Tarnas


Art, Vision, and the Embrace of Ecological Consciousness, Jennifer Wells