Editorial Board | CONSCIOUSNESS: Ideas and Research for the Twenty-First Century | Journals and Newsletters | California Institute of Integral Studies
CONSCIOUSNESS: Ideas and Research for the Twenty-First Century

Main Editor-in-Chief

Allan Combs, California Institute of Integral Studies

Associate Editors

Leila Kincaid, doctoral student, California Institute of Integral Studies, Secretary and Membership Director, Society for Consciousness Studies

Zeke Floro, Doctoral Student/Teaching Assistant, California Institute of Integral Studies

Honorary Editors

Purushottama Bilimoria

Deepak Chopra

Menas Kafatos

Stanley Krippner

Ervin Laszlo

Ed Sarath

Editorial Board

Amelia Barili

Debashish Banerji

Imants Barušs

Fariba Bogzaran

Jonathan Bricklin

Søren Brier

Carolyn Cooke

Frank Echenhofer

Abre Fournier

Liane Gabora

Ben Goertzel

Andrew Gurevich

Glenn Hartelius

Kathleen Noble

Kaisa Puhakka

Sean Avila Saiter

Constance Scharff

Stephan Schwartz

Simon Senzon

Charles Silverstein

Zachary Stein

Nikos Yiangou

Gino Yu