Journal of Conscious Evolution


Spontaneously arising physical expression is the birthright of every human being. This spontaneity is motivated by the intelligent dynamism of Life to facilitate our maturation into the fullness of our Being. Spontaneous expression began to guide our maturation even before our conception...and continued throughout our life in the womb. During our fetal development—and into our infancy— our movements were initiated by the activity of developing systems of motor neurons; the sensory impulses resulting from these movements in turn stimulated the development of sensory neuron systems that refined and defined higher neural centres…and thus played a pivotal role in our developing sense of Self. However, during childhood, our expression of spontaneity was increasingly restricted…until it was largely limited to yawns, hiccups and muscle twitches. This restriction resulted in tissue changes that compromised the neuroendocrinal capacities that are essential for our maturation into the full potential of our incarnation. Fortunately—regardless of how compromised our tissues and neuroendocrinal capacities may be—our Beings eagerly await the reawakening of spontaneous expression. The initial expressions of our reawakened spontaneity gradually evolve into expressions of profound devotion to Life/God/Love. These expressions initiate remarkable transformations of our neuroendocrinal system that can awaken extrasensory and transcendental capacities—including a stunning array of healing capacities.
