Content Posted in 2019
After Awakening, the Laundry: Is Nonduality a Spiritual Experience?, Jenny Wade
A Matter of Heart and Soul: The Value of Positing a Personal Ontological Center for Developmental Psychology, Elizabeth M. Teklinski
Amigeist: A New Extreme Love Phenomenon, Jeffrey Sundberg
Amigeist: A New Extreme Love Phenomenon, Jeffrey Sundberg
"An Alchemy of Heaven on Nature's Base": Intimations of the Universal Opus in the Integral Yoga and the Divine Life in Man in the Work of C. G. Jung, Stephen L. Julich
A Neurotheological Approach to Spiritual Awakening, Andrew B. Newberg and Mark R. Waldman
An Explication of All Cogent Scientific Conceptualizations Regarding the Non-Dual: Finding Nothing to Write, Harris L. Friedman
Categorical Modelling of Conscious States, Baruss, Imants
Divine Kink: A Consideration of the Evidence for BDSM as Spiritual Ritual, Sam E. Greenberg
Divine Kink: A Consideration of the Evidence for BDSM as Spiritual Ritual, Sam E. Greenberg
Does Spiritual Awakening Exist? Critical Considerations in the Study of Transformative Postconventional Development, Glenn Hartelius
Ecopedagogy: Learning How to Participate in Ecological Consciousness, Peterson, Eric
Erotic Mindfulness: A Core Educational and Therapeutic Strategy in Somatic Sexology Practices, Marie I. Thouin-Savard
Erotic Mindfulness: A Core Educational and Therapeutic Strategy in Somatic Sexology Practices, Marie I. Thouin-Savard
From Romantic Jealousy to Sympathetic Joy: Monogamy, Polyamory, and Beyond, Jorge N. Ferrer
From Romantic Jealousy to Sympathetic Joy: Monogamy, Polyamory, and Beyond, Jorge N. Ferrer
Haridas Chaudhuri's Contributions to Integral Psychology, Bahman Shirazi
Integral Psychology, Paul Herman
Integral Yoga Psychology: Clinical Correlations, Michael Miovic
Introduction to the Special Topic Section on Integral Yoga Psychology: The Challenge of Multiple Integrities, Debashish Banerji
Introduction to the Special Topic Section on Transpersonal Sexuality: Bringing Sexy Back to Transpersonal Studies, Samuel A. Malkemus and Marie I. Thouin-Savard
Joy, Not Elsewhere Classified—Towards a Contemporary Psychological Understanding of Spiritual (and Secular) Awakening, Kelly Kilrea
Long-Term Spiritual Growth and its Influence on Professional Endeavor, Larry Seidlitz
Meaning-Making Among Intentionally Childless Women, Christine Brooks
Meaning-Making Among Intentionally Childless Women, Christine Brooks
Oneness in Everyday Life: Nonduality, Wholeness and Human Life After Awakening, Gibbons, Tom
Psychotherapy in the Dream: A Phenomenological Exploration, Bustos, Nick
Re-imagining Embodiment and the Self in People with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries: A Narrative Approach, Namitha Kumar and Sangeetha Menon
Re-veiling the Revealed: Insights into the Psychology of “Enlightenment” from the Kabbalah, B. Les Lancaster
Rigor in the Multicultural Psychology of the Whole Person: Embracing the Challenge, Glenn Hartelius, Marie I. Thouin-Savard, and Courtenay Richards Crouch
Science and a Whole Person Psychology: Can Participatory Empiricism Ease the Way Forward?, Glenn Hartelius
Sexual Consent as Transcendence: A Phenomenological Understanding, Mark A. Levand and Nicolle Zapien
Sexual Consent as Transcendence: A Phenomenological Understanding, Mark A. Levand and Nicolle Zapien
Sexual Ecstasy Scale: Conceptualizations and Measurement, John Elfers and Reid Offringa
Sexual Ecstasy Scale: Conceptualizations and Measurement, John Elfers and Reid Offringa
Sexuality, Esoteric Energies, and the Subtleties of Transmutation Versus Transformation, Barnaby B. Barratt
Sexuality, Esoteric Energies, and the Subtleties of Transmutation Versus Transformation, Barnaby B. Barratt
Sri Aurobindo's Formulations of the Integral Yoga, Debashish Banerji
Subjectivity Is No Object: Can Subject-Object Dualism Be Reconciled Through Phenomenology?, Brent Dean Robbins, Harris L. Friedman, Chad V. Johnson, and Zeno Franco
The Castrated Gods and their Castration Cults: Revenge, Punishment, and Spiritual Supremacy, Jenny Wade
The Castrated Gods and their Castration Cults: Revenge, Punishment, and Spiritual Supremacy, Jenny Wade
The Electromagnetic Brain A Review of EM Theories on the Nature of Consciousness by Shelli Joye, Pryzdia, Michael and Radin, Dean
The Path to Enlightenment of Sacred Married Home Life: Grihasthya Dharma as a Guiding Ideal for the Transpersonal Marriage Therapist, Stuart Sovatsky
The Path to Enlightenment of Sacred Married Home Life: Grihasthya Dharma as a Guiding Ideal for the Transpersonal Marriage Therapist, Stuart Sovatsky
The Religious and Philosophical Characteristics in a Consensually Nonmonogamous Sample, Akhila E. A. Kolesar and Seth T. Pardo
The Religious and Philosophical Characteristics in a Consensually Nonmonogamous Sample, Akhila E. A. Kolesar and Seth T. Pardo
The Self and the Structure of the Personality: An Overview of Sri Aurobindo’s Topography of Consciousness, Matthijs Cornelissen
The Unconscious in Sri Aurobindo: A Study in Integral Psychology, Indra Sen
Training in Aura Reading: Results from a Small Quasi-Experimental Study in India (Research Note), Srikanth Nagaraja Jois, Sowmya Shivarajapura Nagaraj, Krishnamurthy Nagendra Prasad, and Lancy D'Souza
Transcendence from Below: The Embodied Feminine Mysticism of Marion Woodman, Lora L. Menter
Two Modes of Sudden Spiritual Awakening? Ego-Dissolution and Explosive Energetic Awakening, Steve Taylor
Waiting to Die – Part 2, Kenneth Ring
Well-being and Self-transformation in Indian Psychology, Sangeetha Menon, Shankar Rajaraman, and Lakshmi Kuchibotla